
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Creativ Copic Club

Creativ Copic Club
 Coloring with Rhea, monthly!
Saturday, August 2nd from 11-2pm; $45
Closed Session!
 Session #2 supply list:
Blending Solution
Skin Tones colors
Hair colors
Blue tones
We will be covering: Light Source, Colorless Blending Solution, and your markers, coloring skin, coloring hair, coloring eyes.
Every month, you will be educated in depth, about the World of Copic Art and the remarkable Copic Marker! You will learn a variety of techniques to perfect your coloring skills, as well as build a fabulous collection in the process!
We are now talking names on the waitlist for the next Club Series; Click here to email StaC J. your request to be added!